Monday, June 1, 2009

Kim and Bob from Terre Haute

Saturday evening Kim and Bob DisPennett rolled up on their Tandem Recumbent Trike, now that was an unusual site! The couple from Indiana have 2 recumbent trikes that can be hitched together by popping off the front wheel of one and attaching it to the back of the other. Kim says this way husband Bob doesn't leave her lagging behind and they can talk while they're biking, I like that Idea. Bob and Kim met in Hawaii while Bob was a young enlisted man and Kim, coming from a military family, worked on base. After a long career in the Police force Bob is retiring and uh hmmmm what now? Kim works as an administrative assistant at a college and is an accomplished musician, they both fell in love with the Native American flute for it's beauty and simplicity (even Bob could play it) and now enjoy teaching and selling the flutes and accessories. We're looking forward to your return guys and maybe a flute jam...I think I could even do that!

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